Founder: Anders Abrahamsson

The founder of the association is Anders Abrahamsson, and has published three works related to sustainopreneurship so far, with two more directly in the loop, and more to come long term, see publishing. He also administrates the start up of the association, mainly through the virtual community.

The activites so far the past years have rendered him a position where Google recognizes the work done found among the first page top ten hits related to search key words "sustainability entrepreneurship", two generic concepts so far returning some millions in hits - and rising.

In the coming book where Sustainopreneurship Research ahead is outlined in one of the chapters, in an anthology published in mid-September 2008 (and where iÆREAS is mentioned as one of the key resources for the advancement of sustainopreneurship research), a contextualized academically-oriented short bio describes the founder like this;

"Anders Abrahamsson is a sustainopreneur running five ventures; iÆREAS, SLICE Services and Publishing™, Ignition®, SEEDS Innovation Fund and DJ Anders. He holds an MSc in Business Administration from School of Management and Economics, Växjö University. His master thesis, published 2007, was "Sustainopreneurship – Business with a Cause. Conceptualizing  Entrepreneurship for Sustainability”. In the first peer-reviewed conference proceedings from The Swedish Research Association for Sustainable Development in 2006, he published an article analytically suggesting a definition of the concept. At the 13th International Sustainable Development Research Conference in 2007 he presented a conference article outlining future research challenges for sustainopreneurship, now beyond editing and development published here. In order to organize and institutionalize sustainopreneurship research, he is in process to create ÆREAS, Association for Enactive Research, Education and Application for Sustainopreneurship. Prepared to raise to the identified research challenges, he is currently searching for a suitable PhD program."

More about the founder, see

You can contact the founder at anders [at] slice [dot] nu or use the form below.

Contact the founder


